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The Kleine Kinderzeitung Assignment

Calling all children:

make a dove for peace

The dove of peace represents

the desire for peace among people.

Send us your artwork! We're starting a campaign together with children's newspapers from all over the world: paint, tinker or fold a peace dove, also colorful if you like, and bring it to your home - for example in the window. Should we publish your artwork? Then send us your photo as well as the address and telephone number of your parents to, password: peace.

You need this: 2 white paper plates,  paper, adhesive, scissors, black marker, a green sprig fishing line, needle (if you want to hang your dove of peace)

That's how it's done:

1. Draw the body and two wings of your pigeon on paper.

2. Now cut out these three templates and place them on the paper plates. Now you can trace the templates. Now cut out the three parts from the paper plates.

3. Now you can draw a black eye on your pigeon and glue the wings to the body. Finally, glue a little green twig behind the beak. If you like, you can poke a hole at the top and hang the dove in the window with fishing line

Here is where you can see the illustrations

that show how it is done.


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    A French non-profit organization under the law of 1901 RNA W641012798

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