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Global Youth & News Media is proud to present this set of stories by teenage reporters from around the world focusing on what their cohorts were doing to help during the COVID-19 pandemic that began in early 2020.

Click on the icons at right to explore the three sets of stories, more than 60 in all from participants in 19 countries.


A key aim of our project was to combat the prevailing image of the teenager as a problem. Early on, teenagers were generally portrayed as either careless beach frolickers who brought the virus home or as bored, whining couch-sitters. Later, some coverage became more sympathetic around missed graduation ceremonies and other rites of passage, but the image remained as mostly a powerless victim, rarely as protagonist, much less an engaged helper.

The third of three showcases of stories  included a variation on the original assignment: Some national roundups of the relatively few but important stories in mainstream news media went beyond the stereotypes to highlight achievements by teenagers and even younger people.

For more information, contact Dr. Aralynn Abare McMane, info [at]



Get an overview from our main media partner News Decoder  HERE

and from the International Center for Journalists IJinet HERE

Read about other coverage and commentary HERE


Full profiles are are listed by country a bit further down the page.

They include four Global Youth & News Media Prize laureates.



Founding participants are listed here beginning with our main media partner, then broadcast outlets, then print/online outlets and NGOs.

News Decoder (France), PBS NewsHour Student News Labs (USA), BBC Young Reporters (United Kingdom), Children's Radio Foundation (South Africa), The New York Times Learning Network (USA), Yomiuri Junior Press (Yomiuri Shimbun, Japan), Young Post (South China Morning Post, Hong Kong), MUDA (Kompas, Indonesia), Alliance of Independent Regional Publishers - ANRI, ANRI-Media (Russia, Belarus), The Student View (United Kingdom), The Eagle Eye (Florida, USA) 


Listed by order of registration.

Young Reporters for the Environment (Copenhagen, Denmark)

The Global Times (Amity International School, New Delhi, India)

The Lion (Lyons Township High School, LaGrange, Illinois, USA)

Mobile Stories (Stockholm, Sweden)

Jugendpresse Deutschland - Youth Press Germany (Berlin)

UNICEF Young Reporters (Podgorica, Montenegro)

Hello, BD News (Bangladesh), Youth Of Chennai, energetic and enthusiastic (Chennai, India)

The Climate Academy (European School Brussels II, Belgium)

International School of Ho Chi MInh City - American Academy (Vietnam)

Beijing City International School (Beijing, China)

YR Media (Oakland, California, USA)

Moville Community College (Carrownaffe, Donegal, Ireland)

Marymount School of New York (USA)

Willis Hall Herald (North Cross School, Roanoke, Virginia, USA)

Jericho High School (Jericho, New York, USA)

PÚBLICO na Escola (Lisbon, Portugal)

Blue Globe Media - (Barcelona, Catalonia Spain)

Agora, Avenues: The World School (São Paulo, Brazil)

Joca (São Paulo, Brazil)

The Paw Print (Woodside High School, Redwood, California, USA)

Life Notes (Glenda Dawson High School, Pearland, Texas, USA)

Ndlovu Youth Choir (Moutse, Limpopo, South Africa) 

EX-PRESS (Borisov and Zhodino, Belarus)

Fundación para el Periodismo and Página Siete (Bolivia) with Página Siete

Government School 3, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

Colonel By Secondary School, Gloucester (Ottawa), Canada

... and more are most welcome. See CONTACT below


What comes next? That depends.

See the EPILOGUE at the end of the last showcase page.


Dr. Aralynn McMane, Global Youth & News Media, info [at]



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Global Youth & News Media honors and encourage excellence worldwide for news organizations to better serve, support and both attract and learn from youth . Our prize celebrates success, and we also initiate global projects to help make other things happen.


News Decoder - France (Paris) -  This global educational news service helps young people learn about the world’s biggest issues through content production and borderless conversation about important matters of the day. It has a network of schools in ten countries: China, Colombia, Denmark, France, Italy, Jordan, Spain, South Africa,Tunisia and the United States.


Besides being the main media partner for this project, News Decoder is also a partner in the Global Youth & News Media Prize.


in order by country, then locale.

Hello at BD News  - Bangladesh  (Dhaka) - Young journalists ages 13 to 17 produce a video and text news service that runs on the English and Bengali, 24-hour online news service BDnews24 and that is supported by UNICEF Bangladesh.

EX-PRESS.BY - Belarus (Borisov and Zhodino) - This independent online news operation had 5.15 million visits by 2.62 visitors with 6.21 views for its largely local coverage in May 2020.

The Climate Academy - Belgium (Brussels) - These students of the European School of Brussels II do journalism as part of their actions around climate change. Other activity includes research, campaigning and activism.

Fundación para el Periodismo - Bolivia (La Paz) - Founded in 2008, this nonprofit trains journalists, teaches media literacy and, through its Observatory, encourages citizen participation in media affairs. Página Siete was its main project partner.

Agora - Brazil (Avenues - The World School) - Students developed this platform during the pandemic to serve classmates (ages 3-19) at campuses in Brazil (São Paulo), the United States (New York City) or China (Shenzhen), who are all part of the same school.

Joca - Brazil (São Paulo) - Founded in 2011, this standalone online and printed newspaper (plus podcasts) concentrates on news tailored for children and teenagers. It has 30 000 print subscribers, international corresondants and also provides materials and weekly podcasts for teachers.

Beijing City International School - China (Beijing) -  BCIS is an independent co-educational not-for-profit day school offering an international curriculum for children from age 2 through secondary school. It strives to challenge and empower students to be compassionate and inspired people, who act for the good of all and for the sustainable development of the world.

South China Morning Post - Young Post - China (Hong Kong) - Besides providing news for teenagers, The Young Post encourages participation by accepting reader content and trains young journalists through its Junior Reporters Club.

Colonel By News - Canada (Gloucester, Ottawa, Ontario) - Students at the secondary school create this biweekly for their classmates in in English and French.

Young Reporters for the Environment (YRE) - Denmark (Copenhagen)- YRE gives 360 000 young people ages 11-25 in 45 countries a platform to research environmental issues and promote solutions through investigative reporting, photography, and video journalism. YRE was a Planet Award laureate in the 2019 Global Youth & News Media Prize competition.

Jugendpresse Deutschland e.V  / Youth Press Germany (Berlin) - This national network of and for young media makers unites the 14 associations from throughout the country. It supports and empowers young journalists in their work and organizes congresses and education programs with more than 300 courses each year.

The Global Times - India (New Delhi) - Established in  2007, this award-winning weekly student newspaper has a circulation of 40,000 copies in the Amity Group of Schools and Amity University.  It also promotes several activities such as a "Make Your Own Newspaper" contest and "Youth Power" social leadership campaigns. - India (Chennai) - Each year since 2007, twenty-five teenagers in "Youth Of Chennai, energetic and enthusiastic" learn how to be journalists and then do stories for cyberspace about their neighborhoods and school campuses.


Kompas MUDA - Indonesia (Jakarta) - This most venerable newsroom makes sure it is in touch with the youth voice by having a partner MUDA newsroom teenage reporters on site.

Moville Community College - Ireland (Carrownaffe, Donnegal) - Transition Year students at this a secondary school of 550 students completed their work with  PressPass of NewsBrands Ireland by submitting journalism for this project.


Yomiuri Shimbun - Yomiuri Junior Press - Japan (Tokyo) - The country's largest newspaper has a reporting team of teenagers and children. The teenage journalists are participating in the project. (translated)

PÚBLICO na Escola - Portugal (Lisbon) - Público national newspaper has had a commitment to young people for decades, largely through its PÚBLICO na Escola media literacy work with schools, which was relaunched in 2019


UNICEF Young Reporters - Montenegro (Podgorica) - These volunteers create videos and blogs, organize events and speak to media to promote media literacy and child participation in the debate on child rights. In the COVID-19 crisis, became fact-checkers and launched social media campaigns to raise awareness on hygiene, social distancing, and helping elderly stay at home.


Alliance of Independent Regional Publishers (ANRI) - ANRI Media - Russia (Moscow). Represents more than 50 regional news publishers, several of whom work regularly with teenage student journalists.

Children’s Radio Foundation - South Africa (Johannesburg) - Trains teenagers as radio reporters in five countries across Africa. It was a laureate for Journalism in the 2019 Global Youth & News Media Prize competition.

Ndlovu Youth Choir -  South Africa (Moutse, Limpopo) - In an exceptional move, the project encouraged a teenage choir member to tell the story behind the choir's music video that explained how to wash one's hands where running water is scarce.

Junior Report - Spain (Barcelona, Catalonia) - This digital school newsmagazine features content from secondary student journalists at 40 schools in Spain, plus elsewhere. It is part of Blue Globe Media

Mobile Stories - Sweden (Stockholm) - An educational publishing tool and media platform that helps young people across the country produce different kinds of journalistic articles – and become media smart while doing so.


British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) Young Reporter -  United Kingdom (London) -  The BBC media literacy project in the United Kingdom supports  11-18 year olds to develop their own media skills, content creation and news literacy


The Student View  - United Kingdom (London) - This British he charity has launched 72 pop-up newsrooms in schools throughout the country, mostly serving teenage students from low-income backgrounds, and features a 12-hour media literacy course and publication partnerships with five local newspapers. It  was the top laureate for News/Media Literacy in the 2019 Global Youth & News Media Prize competition.

YR Media - USA (Oakland, California) - Founded 25 years ago as Youth Radio, this non-profit national network  builds critical skills of young people in journalism, arts and media with the help of top media professionals.

The Woodside Paw Print - United States (Redwood City, California) - This  bilingual (Spanish and English ) student news platform at Woodside High School prides itself on serving a very diverse student population.

The Eagle Eye - United States (Parkland, Florida)  - This award-winning editorial team at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School is most known for its superb work after the lethal shootings at the school in 2018. It was the inaugural Global Youth & News Media Prize honoree.

Lion Online - United States (Lyons Township High School, LaGrange, Illinois) - Students update web content several times a week and produce print versions with premium content seven times a year.

Jericho High School - United States (Long Island, New York) - A student's podcast became the submission for her Public Speaking class, where students are encouraged to think critically and express themselves in authentic and creative ways.

Marymount School of New York - United States (New York City)  - A student's podcast about how she transformed her blog -- MDAY BFAST -- to better serve peole during the pantemic became the submission for this independent Catholic school that prepares girls to challenge, shape, and change the world.

Willis Hall Herald - United States (North Cross School, Roanoke, Virginia) - This online and print student newspaper has won both gold and silver awards from the Columbia Scholastic Press Association.

Life Notes - United States (Glenda Dawson High School, Pearland, Texas) - Students created this podcast service devoted to the telling of community stories about how everyone has been coping during the pandemic, from students staying at home to doctors battling on the front lines.

The  New York Times Learning Network

  - United States (New York) - Besides offering rich and imaginative materials for teaching and learning using New York Times content, The Learning Network gives students many creative ways to express themselves.


The project is an option for teenagers who participate in the Third Annual Student Podcast Challenge. The Network also offers some help for teachers in showing how to create a podcast and for students based on entries in past challenges.

Public Broadcasting System (PBS) NewsHour Student Reporting Labs - USA (Washington, DC) This network for American students provides public broadcasting mentors and an innovative journalism curriculum for developing digital media, critical thinking, and communication skills while producing original news reports.

A special thanks to the Student Reporting Labs team for making freely available this resource, created for a slightly different purpose and offered for free  as an important “how to” contribution to the project. The original idea started with suggesting students do 1- to 3-minute personal accounts of confinement and longer pieces about what else is going on. The stories teens will do for this project about how other teens are contributing and could also be as short as one minute.

International School of Ho Chi MInh City - American Academy - Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh City) - Students ages 11 to 18 attend this school with a focus on preparing for success at local and overseas universities. It is part of the Cognita group, which also has schools in the United Kingdom, Hong Kong, Singapore, Spain, Switzerland, Thailand, Brazil, India and Chile


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    A French non-profit organization under the law of 1901 RNA W641012798

    Siege sociale: 39 rue Pannecau, 64100 Bayonne France

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