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Through our awards and international projects, Global Youth & News Media encourages and facilitates news media work that serves, supports and both attracts and learns from young audiences. Our projects center mainly on news for children, news by adolescents and, most recently, actions to encourage basic media literacy standards to include teaching about the necessary role of journalism in society.

NEWS & Children

We support news media that serve children with joint projects, reports, webinars and, in Europe, a new group: Children's News Europe.
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Children's News Europe s a collective of seven producers of news for children throughout Europe who serve their audiences by offering:

  • rigorous and trustworthy journalism with a focus on context and solutions

  • resources to support mental health and education, particularly media literacy.

They joined together in 2024 to explore how to even better do those jobs. Global Youth & News Media coordinates their efforts.





Editors of news for children around the world asked their young audiences – those who will be most affected by climate change – to suggest to decision makers the most important first step in saving the planet.




This initiative was an extra contribution to The Writing's on the Wall project, which was in partnership with News  Decoder and the Climate Academy and co-funded by the European Union. 

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Our latest Special Report looked at how editors of news for children handled the  7 October 2023 attack on Israel by the Palestinian militant group Hamas and the ensuing Israeli attacks on Palestinians. 


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Since the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, producers of news around the world have been inviting young readers and viewers to submit art that wishes peace and love for the children of Ukraine.

Inspired by the work of Kleine Kinderzeitung (Austria) and News-O-Matic (USA), Global Youth & News Media developed and organized the project and showcasing the resulting submissions.

In a second phase, citizens help refugee children who have found safe haven in their area to join the project.
Here's how (instructions in 10 languages).

The third phase, on  International Day of Peace, 21 September 2022, called for doing new art to make it clear that Ukraine was not forgotten. This project will last as long as it takes.

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We work with organizations to create occasional webinars when we believe we can help fill an important gap in knowledge about the relationship between news media and the young.


Let us know if you want to partner!

Our first session, with the ICFJ's Pamela Howard Forum for Crisis Reporting, star editors of news for children explained how they built trust, audience engagement and solutions journalism using strategies that can also work for adults.

NEWS & Teenagers

We encourage and amplify solutions journalism from youth news media, especially about the role teenagers are playing in major global phenomena mainly through our World Teenage Reporting Project. Our main media partner is News-Decoder,, a global educational news service for the young.
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Phase One of the World Teenage Reporting Project grew out of the negative coverage young people were receiving at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.  In early 2020, we collected youth coverage about other teenagers were helping and showcased more than 60 stories from 21 countries.
Phase 2 created a first showcase of youth profiles of Champions of Tolerance.
Phase 3, focused on Climate Champions and inspired a journalism competition for original work by teenage journalists  in partnership with the Erasmus + programme and The Climate Academy (Belgium) , News Decoder (France) and the New Earth Foundation (USA). Deadline is March 1. Details are here.

Phase 4 is looking at the impact on a teenager of a first journalistic coaching experience. Dimensions include development of social, civic, journalistic and media literacy skills. The goal is to research past initiatives and research in order to create a set of core questions that would allow international comparison. Details coming soon.


We have started to join with other organizations to encourage teaching about the necessary role of journalism in society as a basic, universal lesson.
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More than  40 expert individuals and organizations quickly answered our call in Spring 2024 to jointly suggest some language for new guidelines for media literacy in Europe that would encourage teaching about the necessary role of journalism in society as a basic, universal lesson. There was some modest success.

Here are the details.


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    © Global Youth & News Media

    A French non-profit organization under the law of 1901 RNA W641012798

    Siege sociale: 39 rue Pannecau, 64100 Bayonne France

    [association à but non-lucratif loi 1901]

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